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Gabriele Spangenberg ist Designerin, fährt Porsche und Rennen, zaubert Spargelstrudel und Frankfurter Grüne Sauce und macht Klasse Fotos. Ein gelungener und frecher Mix aus klassischen Autos, Zitronen, Knoblauch, Nachmittagssonne auf Bergstraßen, Koriander, glatter Petersilie, Kreuzkümmel, Chillies, Salz, heißem Motorenöl, Olivenöl Extra Vergine, Tesla Roadster, Kräutergärten, Gemüsegärten, Quitten, Äpfeln aus der Eifel… – das ist seit März ihr Blog Meals and Wheels. Und das macht riesig Spaß!
Mit ihrem gelben Porsche 911 war Gabriele Spangenberg vergangenes Wochenende in Le Mans mit dabei – auf der Rennstrecke natürlich!! Klasse Pics und Impressionen behind the scenes. Unbedingt reingucken. Vroooooom!!
“Meals and wheels : borderline syndrome resolved! A Blog is the solution. This morning I read a long article about fashionbloggers in the Frankfurter Allgemeine. And I thought: “how brilliant”. Here is the solution to my problem. As a food and car crazy mummy and housewife it’s hard to find people, sharing my areas of interest. There is “carspeak” prohibition in this household (consisting of three men and one (me) woman) and whilst foodspeak is mildly tolerated, even shared sometimes, it shouldn´t indulge on the too excentric otherwise I´ll have three index fingers pointing at three foreheads – again. You can find people who like cars and you can those who like food. Yet both? Its a rare breed, mutants in a world of monopleasure. I constantly think about cars or food so I have hopefully found a Valve for all these profound thoughts, as in: “when is the snow on the Nordschleife going to melt” and “why does the last dollup of snow on the tarmac of the Nordschleifenwebcam look like a Gespenst (ghost): should I take that personal?”And “where do I find the best small spiky artichokes”, how can you say “freshly ground pepper” in German AND make it sound sexy? And “why is there no Jeremy Clarkson lingo in politically correct Germany? Where is all the fun, food and cars offer . The world of hot sticky tarmac, the smell of hot oil in an old car, the sight of dancing dust in the last rays of sun after a long day of driving on those windy mountain roads? All of these need to be discussed, urgently. I hope I find someone out there who regards these lifechanging matters with the same seriousness as me….. Easy ovenroast chicken and creamed carrots tonight, whilst I write this. Tomorrow checking if the trevise in the vegetable garden is ready to be turned into a hearty winterdish, what a luxury.”
Meals and Wheels
Fotos: Copyright Gabriele Spangenberg, Meals and Wheels
Zitat: Gabriele Spangenberg, Meals and Wheels
Le Mans Classic 2010